Location Summary

The Location Summary page displays general info about a location and allows you configure settings for the Location level. This is the lowest level in Gale Admin. [Learn more about the account levels]

TIP: Accessing the Location level automatically causes the blue Institution tab to appear, and if used, the purple Consortium tab.

Sample Location Summary page

Edit the Location Summary Page

Library systems administrators can view/edit the following fields on the Location Summary page. When making updates, be sure to click the Save button when you have finished.

Field Allows Editing? Description
Location Name Yes The name associated with this location.
Location ID No Uniquely identifies the location.
Location Type No Indicates if this location is used for demonstration or trial purposes only.
Account Status No Indicates if the location is active or inactive. An inactive location means the settings for this location can no longer be modified; however, the data remains in Gale Admin. Locations are never deleted.
Customer Class No Indicates the location's market or type of patron, such as business, college/university library, government, hospital, public library, and others.
Customer Subclass No Indicates the locations sub-market classification, either branches or departments within the market, for example within a College/University library exists a subclass type of Community Affairs or Environment.
Customer ID Yes Unique identifier provided by the library systems administrator.
Account Number No An account number used internally by Gale.
Location URL Yes The address of the location’s website.
Customer URL Yes The address of web page that patrons will use to access the Gale common menu which lists the products to which the location subscribes.
Contact info Yes You can enter the name and email for a contact person who represents this location. Both Contact First Name and Contact Last Name are required if user decides to fill in this information.
Location info Yes You can enter address details if this account corresponds to a physical location.

Access Your Products

To view the Gale resources available for this location, click Access Your Products at the bottom of the Location Summary page. This button does not appear for inactive locations.

The Location Sidebar Menu

The green Location sidebar menu lets you access the following settings and features for the location:

  • Edit Database Subscriptions: View the list of Gale resources the location subscribes to and change the order of how those resources appear on the Gale Databases menu
  • Location Authentication: Configure authentication methods
  • Preferences: Configure general and product-specific preferences
  • Discovery Service: Configure how patrons link to third-party electronic resources or services as provided by your library
  • Custom Databases: Manage custom databases
  • eBooks: Manage eBook subcollections
  • Reports: You can View Usage Reports, get Career Transition Reports (if applicable), and get Tips to Increase Usage. Each of these links takes you out of Gale Admin and into another website.

To return to the Location Summary Page, click Location Details the sidebar menu, and then click the Location Summary submenu option. You can also click the green Location tab below the page banner.

Return to the Consortium or Institution Level from the Location Level

When you are viewing a location, you can navigate back to the Consortium Summary (if used) or the Institution Member List page by clicking its corresponding purple Consortium tab or blue Institution tab, respectively. Lower level tabs automatically close as you move to higher levels. [Learn how to navigate the levels]

Select a Different Location

To select a different location within the same institution, click the blue Institution tab to return to the Institution Member List page, where you can then select from the list of locations.

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